The committee is formed to research and comment on the most timely and important environmental issues facing Hillsborough County. We provide information to the Board on these topics so the League can take a position in favor or opposition to most current issues, policies and projects that protect the environment and improve the quality of life in Hillsborough County.
- Solar energy is an important and sustainable energy source for Florida that we promote as we educate citizens on the science and local impacts of climate change and sea level rise. In 2021, we partnered with Florida Solar United Neighbors and the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County to support the 4th Hillsborough Rooftop Solar Co-op in 2021. The League endorsed a City of Tampa grant proposal seeking funds to enable low income homeowners to make energy-efficiency repairs and invest in rooftop solar.
- We promote other forms of conservation, efficiency and clean energy, including supporting a state-wide LWV electric vehicle adoption initiative. We are advocating for the expanded adoption of electric vehicles at the municipal, county and school district levels. We update the League on the broader sustainability plans of both the City of Tampa and Hillsborough County in order to hold them accountable to citizens.
- We have partnered with the Sierra Club of Tampa Bay and Friends of Hillsborough River to improve transparency, evidenced-based decisions and community outreach by the City of Tampa on its planned PURE project. Our interest is in managing water resources in an environmentally safe, scientifically-proven, and cost-effective way that is safe, sanitary and meets Tampa’s needs. We emphasize dialogue and consultation with Tampa’s water users and taxpayers.
- We are concerned with the enforcement of federal and state environmental standards. We are partnering with the Sierra Club of Tampa Bay on toxic waste in Tampa Bay, particularly as this impacts vulnerable communities. We support various ways to educate the community and public officials on the risks and public health consequences of toxic waste, for instance Sierra’s Toxic Bus tour.
- We are partnering with the Sierra Club to reduce the use of single-use plastics that are contributing to pollution, especially in our waterways, the Bay and the Gulf. To educate the community, we will co-host a film screening of The Story of Plastic, provide broad-ranging community education and promote activities to empower citizens to break free from plastics.
- We work with the State League and others to continually monitor legislative activities to protect the environment, support the adoption of clean energy technologies and the transition away from fossil fuels and to guard against decisions that pre-empt local decisions on environmental and climate change policies.