Legislative List

Congressional Representation

Florida’s Congressional District Map (2025): https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/FL#map
Senators: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/FL#senators

Senator Ashley Moody

B40-B Dirksen Senate Office Building 
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-3041

Senator Rick Scott

502 Hart Senate Office Building 
Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5274

12Gus Bilirakis (R)(727) 232-2921
13Anna Paulina Luna (R)(727) 610-3980
14Kathy Castor (D)(813) 871-2817
15Laurel Lee (R)(813) 393-5077
16Vern Buchanan (R)(813) 657-1013

Hillsborough County Delegation – State

The Hillsborough Legislative Delegation consists of 14 members of the Florida Senate and Florida House of Representatives that represent all or parts of Hillsborough County. The Government Relations & Strategic Services department serves as a liaison for the Delegation, which advocates for issues concerning our County in the State legislature.

State Representative Karen Gonzalez-Pittman is the current Chair of the State Legislative Delegation. The Chair is responsible for officially calling the annual meeting(s) to order and setting the agenda. For any additional delegation information please reach out to Gonzalez-Pittman’s district office by phone at (813) 202-3345 or by email at karen.pittman@myfloridahouse.gov.

Florida Senate 

14Jay Collins (R)Collins.Jay@flsenate.gov(813) 281-2538
16Darryl Rouson (D)Rouson.Darryl@flsenate.gov(727) 822-6828
20Jim Boyd (R)Boyd.Jim@flsenate.gov(850) 487-5021
23Danny Burgess (R)Burgess.Danny@flsenate.gov(813) 779-7059

Florida House of Representatives 

61Linda Chaney (R)Linda.Chaney@myfloridahouse.gov(727) 471-4672
62Michele Raynor (D)Michele.Rayner@myfloridahouse.gov(727) 471-4706
63Dianne Hart (D)Dianne.Hart@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 224-1956
64Susan Valdés (D)Susan.Valdes@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 673-4673
65Karen Gonzalez Pittman (R)Karen.Pittman@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 202-3345
66Traci Koster (R)Traci.Koster@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 202-3345
67Fentrice Driskell (D)Fentrice.Driskell@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 936-0854
68Lawrence McClure (R)LawrenceMcClure@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 757-9110
69Danny Alvarez (R)Danny.Alvarez@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 657-1118
70Michael OwenMichael.Owen@myfloridahouse.gov(656) 333-9530

Pasco County Delegation – State

The Pasco County Legislative Delegation consists of 7 members of the Florida Legislature: Florida Senate (3) and Florida House of Representatives (4) that represent all or parts of Pasco County. 

Representative Jeff Holcomb is the current Chair of the State Legislative Delegation. The Chair is responsible for officially calling the annual meeting(s) to order and setting the agenda. For any additional delegation information please reach out to Representative Holcomb’s district office by phone at (352) 688-5004 or by email at Jeff.Holcomb@myfloridahouse.gov.

Florida Senate 

11Blaise Ingoglia (R)Ingoglia.Blaise@flsenate.gov((352) 666-5707
21Ed Hooper (R)Hooper.Edward@flsenate.gov(727) 771-2102
23Danny Burgess (R)Burgess.Danny@flsenate.gov(727) 771-2102

 Florida House

53Jeff Holcomb (R)Jeff.Holcomb@myfloridahouse.gov(352) 688-5004
54Randy Maggard (R)Randy.Maggard@myfloridahouse.gov(813) 780-0667
55Kevin Steele (R)Kevin.Steele@myfloridahouse.gov(727) 861-1898
56Brad Yeager (R)Brad.Yeager@myfloridahouse.gov(727) 841-6977

Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners

1Harry Cohencohenh@hcflgov.net(813) 272-5470
2Ken Haganhagank@hcflgov.net(813) 272-5452
3Gwen Myersmyersg@hcflgov.net(813) 272-5720
4Christine Millermillerc@hcflgov.net(813) 272-5740
5Donna Cameron Cepedacepedad@hcflgov.net(813) 272-5725
6Chris Bolesbolesc@hcflgov.net(813) 272-5730
7Joshua Wostalwostalj@hcflgov.net(813) 272-5735

Pasco County Board of County Commissioners 

1Ron Oakleyroakley@mypasco.net352-521-4111ext. 4119
2Seth Weightmansweightman@mypasco.net352-521-4357
3Kathryn Starkeykstarkey@mypasco.net727-847-8109
4Lisa Yeagerlyeager@mypasco.net727-847-8100ext. 8511
5Jack Marianojmariano@mypasco.net727-815-7164

 Tampa City Council

1Alan Clendeninalan.clendenin@tampagov.net(813) 274-7072
2Guido Maniscalcoguido.maniscalco@tampagov.net(813) 274-7071
3Lynn Hurtaklynn.hurtak@tampa.gov(813) 274-8133
4Bill Carlsonbill.carlson@tampagov.net(813) 274-8134
5Gwen Hendersongwendolyn.henderson@tampagov.net(813) 274-8189
6Charlie Mirandacharlie.miranda@tampagov.net(813) 274-7074
7Luis Vieraluis.viera@tampagov.net(813) 274-7073